By His Help – 06.20.2024

To those who seem to be assigned a life of suffering, I would have this to say. Great suffering is only possible to a great creature. You are that - the highest creature of God’s origination. Besides, you are in good company with the One who said, “There is no sorrow like unto my sorrow.” … Continue reading By His Help – 06.20.2024

Power In Christ To Save – 03.23.2024

There is power unlimited in Christ to save, even the worst of sinners. Come with me to Calvary and see! Look at that head crowned with thorns, with the ruby red drops of blood on His brow. Mark that face, marred by grief for our sins. Look on that precious body, broken and bruised and … Continue reading Power In Christ To Save – 03.23.2024

We Know Not The Cup – 03.20.2023

When James and John, along with their mother, came to Jesus seeking the number one and number two spot in the coming Kingdom, Jesus said, “You know not what ye ask. Are you willing to drink the cup of which I must drink?” Of course, they answered in the affirmative, not really understanding at the … Continue reading We Know Not The Cup – 03.20.2023

He Doesn’t Pass By – 01.28.2023

“Jesus wept” (John 11:35). Jesus wept at the grave of his friend. He is at Bethany with people he cared about - Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Jesus wept at the grave of his friend, just as you and I have done, and we will again. “Jesus wept,” for He was truly human just as we … Continue reading He Doesn’t Pass By – 01.28.2023

Sorrow Like His Sorrow – 7.28.2021

Writing some seven centuries before Christ, Isaiah spoke of Him as a “Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” (Isaiah 53). Jeremiah pens it this way, “Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the … Continue reading Sorrow Like His Sorrow – 7.28.2021