Deep Fellowship With God Everyday – 06.25.2024

The most important, the grandest, the most glorious thing that man can search for and find while here on earth is God Himself! The most glorious and wonderful thing is to seek and to love and to praise God.

Have you learned to appreciate the privilege of knowing and having fellowship on a personal basis with this amazing God? To live for God, pray to Him, worship Him, and praise Him is the most elevating thing a person can do for themselves. It is a great step in advance in the life of a Christian when he truly sees this and yields himself to consider fellowship with God every day as the chief end of his life.

There are three words that come to mind as I write this. They are Patience, Wait, and Time! Throughout the Bible, these are used as essential elements necessary to contain and retain constant and deep fellowship with God. Herein, you will find a life of joyful and fearless confidence.

Image by DONGHWAN KIM from Pixabay

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